Day 110 - Coursework submission day!
It's finally here - the day to submit my two essays. One for Geography of Securities, the other, Restoration and Management of Freshwater Ecosystem. Barely slept the night before, but glad that I pulled it through to "give birth" to these 2 twins (one physical geography, another human geography what).
Anyway, coursework submission in UCL is more formal. Nope, it's not just dropping it into your lecturer's pigeon hole.
- The lecturers have no say on the deadline. Different year modules must submit their coursework on different dates set by the Administrative side. 27th April is the submission date for all Year 3 modules. If you want to appeal for extension, your lecturer have no say - only the admin people may grant you that! So don't email your professors or pray for a magical email from him or her to extend the dateline.
- A soft copy of your coursework must be submitted to Turnitin for plagiarism checking.
- Hard copy must be submitted to the admin office, who will consolidate it.
But it's not just stapling your essays together and submitting it!
First, you have to grab a red folder, a cover page and a plagiarism declaration form for each coursework.
Next, you have to punch a hole on the top left hand corner and put them in the folder, fixed with some holder.
Lastly, fill up the cover of the red folder.
And I've submitted it! One coursework takes up 50% of my overall grade. Unlike NUS, where it takes about 3 different courseworks to make up 50%!
Labels: .UCL Life, .UCL Musings
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