Day 15 - Dirty
I have to confess something.
I have been doing dirty things in London.
Yes, dirty things that I wouldn't do in Singapore.
I don't know why, perhaps it's the climate.
And I aren't ashame about it.
You know I'm talking about wearing the same clothes for multiple days right?
I have been doing dirty things in London.
Yes, dirty things that I wouldn't do in Singapore.
I don't know why, perhaps it's the climate.
And I aren't ashame about it.
You know I'm talking about wearing the same clothes for multiple days right?
Given the cold climate, my clothes barely had any contact with sweat. Yes, including the ones I wear for workouts! So when it accumulate to the 2nd week, I've finally decided to do my laundry. £2 for a 35 mins wash. !£!@%%. More motivation to not do laundry often.
And it cost at least £0.20 to use the dryer. For how long? A few minutes apparently. So I've decided to do my own drying in my room.
I realised my window can open side ways too. Had to open it for like 20 minutes to get the erractic heater to start.
Airing my (not) dirty laundry.
Given the lack of hooks and edges in my room, every spot counts - including luggage.
I then went for the Holocaust Memorial Talk at UCL. This is Emeritus Professor Gerta Vrbová sharing her story of hiding from country to country, running away from captivity, base on her knack of knowing who to trust and who to deceit. Hence her autobiography "Trust and Deceit; A Tale of survival in Slovakia and Hungary". Amazing how she's denied education since 8 and went on to be a leader in the academic field of Neuroscience.

Aku with Lady Jakobovits, another speaker at the event, who shared her experience (not story), as well as that of her friend's, and the difficulty the Jews had making sense of what happened and moving on from the Holocaust.
Aku with Lady Jakobovits, another speaker at the event, who shared her experience (not story), as well as that of her friend's, and the difficulty the Jews had making sense of what happened and moving on from the Holocaust.
And the question haunts them even today. "Why me, not 6 million others?"
Labels: .Langton Close Musings, .UCL Life
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